"The Giant Hoax" Reviews

Noel Williams' puppet design of the giant creates a sense of wonder and an impression of enormity. “- Joe Lombardi, Reviewer, BroadwayWorld.com, Nov. 30, 2019


Photo by Brian E. Long

“... worthy of any Julie Taymor production.”- Christopher Caz, Theatrescene.net 11/30/19


Photo By Brian E. Long

​“... he moves a large, beautifully designed stick puppet around the stage with skill and remarkable understanding. It’s facial expressions seem right on, the use of its huge hands (controlled by his two assistants) entirely human. “Imaginary Friends,” sung in concert with Emily, is kind and thoughtful, not to mention moving. The puppet work is exquisite. In every aspect, it brings the Cardiff Giant to life.” Jan Ewing, Pupsbook.com, 12/1/19


Photo By Brian E. Long

Puppetry Journal 2019

Children’s Hospital the Set for Student Puppetry Performance


Photo By Ken Best

Review: Dirty Turk | Artstillery

Outside In

Teresa Marrero, Jin-Ya Huang and Mark Lowry have a conversation about Dirty Turk, an immersive work about immigrants, migrants, and refugees created by Artstillery.
by Jin-Ya Huang, Teresa Marrero, and Mark Lowry

published Monday, September 3, 2018


Photo: Alisa Eykilis

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