
Stop Motion: Polly and Castor Shorts

Polly and Castor

These two stop motion characters were created as part of a six episode live television puppetry show for the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. In each short they receive a gift that they make into something. Design, Fabrication, and Animation were all by Noel Williams. Click here to see Fabrication photos. 

"Gift from the Universe"

from Episode 1 of "Spacebus 9" A Children's Television Puppetry Show for the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Sound Editing by Noel Williams.

Polly and Castor receive a sharpie, paper, and clay, and turn it into music.

"ID Badges"

from Episode 2 of "Spacebus 9" A Children's Television Puppetry Show for the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Sound Editing by Anatar Marmol-Gagne.

Polly and Castor receive a Badge Maker. See who has the better photography skills.

"Warm Fuzzies"

from Episode 3 of "Spacebus 9" A Children's Television Puppetry Show for the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Sound Editing by Anatar Marmol-Gagne.

Polly and Castor receive craft pom poms and glue. See what warm fuzzies come to life. 

"Finding the Right Words"

from Episode 4 of "Spacebus 9" A Children's Television Puppetry Show for the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Sound Editing by Anatar Marmol-Gagne.

Polly and Castor receive a box of magnetic words. See what sentence they make.


from Episode 5 of "Spacebus 9" A Children's Television Puppetry Show for the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Sound Editing by Anatar Marmol-Gagne.

Castor gives Polly a scrapbook for her "Orb Day," which is kind of like a birthday. 

"The Singing Hand Sanitizer"

from Episode 6 of "Spacebus 9" A Children's Television Puppetry Show for the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Sound Editing by Anatar Marmol-Gagne.

Polly and Castor receive a bottle of Singing Hand Sanitizer to dance their germs right off their hands.

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Stop Motion: Photography and Design

Alice Light+Dark

This stop motion photography exhibit was part of a three part exhibit on mental health at the Collingswood Book Fair in 2019. Photos and Puppets were displays as part of the exhibit. The design, fabrication, and photography were by Noel Williams. The exhibit and text panels for the photos were curated by Justine Parks Rose. Click here to see design and fabrication photos. 

Stop Motion: Cut Paper Shorts

Whoever Gets the Umbrella Wins

Cut Paper, Dragonframe Software, iMovie Editing

Dueling characters on the wall fight for the umbrella when a luxurious painting comes between them.

"Monster Beauty"

Dragonframe, iMovie

A monster tweezes her eyebrow in two.

Stop Motion: Claymation


Librarian Fran scares her hair into a frenzy when a piece of paper rattles her in the too quiet haunted library.

Claymation Short, Dragonframe , iMovie

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Title Animation

Title Animation of "Evil Dead: The Musical" 

Claymation, Dragonframe, iMovie.

Title Animation of "True West"

Cut paper animation, Dragonframe, iMovie

Title Animation of "One Man Two Guvnors"

2-D Title Animation using OpenToonz and iMovie.

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